FlexSemFlexSemAarhus University department of Ecoscience

Kriegers Flak is a reef located in the Western Baltic Sea. Here, Vattenfall is running a wind mill park with 72 turbines. The EU project OLAMUR is demonstrating multi-use of wind mill parks. At the Kriegers Flak test site, long lines with blue mussels and sea weed have been installed between the monopiles. As a part of this work, the effects on the environment and the potential of multi-use are being evaluated by dynamic models, simulating the growth of mussels and seaweeds. These models are fully coupled to a 3D biogeocheminal model which is one-way coupled to a hydrodynamic model.

The nonhydrostatic hydrodynamic setup uses a computational mesh, which varies in horisontal resolution from 185m inside the wind mill park to 935m outside. The setup has a circular open boundary, only broken by the eastern tip of the island of Møn. Open boundary conditions and initial fields for both hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry were interpolated from the Inner Danish Waters setup. In the vertical, the model has 19 layers: Seven 1m thick layers in the surface, 9 2m layers and three 5m layers near the bottom accomodates the total water depth of maximum 40m in the area. The model has a total of 183025 computational cells

Meteorological forcings were interpolated from WRF model version 3 output provided by the Danish Technical University (DTU). The atmospheric model includes current wind turbines in the area. The model has a timestep of 60 seconds and was run for all of 2019.
